Sunday, October 3, 2010

How WE Met!!!

With the slight disappointment of not finding the dance, it was suggested that we meet at a fireside at his village. Angie knew how to get there and I could get a ride home from Melee and Polotu.

I was dropped off at his village on the other side of the island. I walked in late passing people as I heard a few say, “Hay! thats Trevor’s sister.” I felt eyes following me as Melee and I found a place to sit! I sat there not understand the Tonga language ha-ha but to hear them singing was amazing!!!! After the fireside, adults and children alike filed out to the out-door basketball court to feast on bread bowls filled with delicious New Zealand ice cream. Melee brought me over to a doorway and said she will be right back. As I stood there, villagers just stood around eating ice cream as the kids ran around playing. Luckily a little girl named, Lucey, filled me in that Melee was going to go find Sione. As I am taking in all of my surroundings a face I recognized, Melee appears around the corner with Sione right behind her. She said, “Malisa this is Sione”... “WOW” i thought to myself “tall AND hello good looking.” A little awkwardly we stood there staring at each other trying to talk, with his cousins standing closer then desired as thought they where listening to our conversation ... I was surprised to find our conversation to flow comfortably, which is tuff to find even with another English speaking person....i noticed that he was dressed all in white which meant he was in the choir!!!

Somehow I found myself walking, either he asked or he started to walk and talk and I just naturally fallowed I cant remember. We walked over to Polotu’s house and sat out side in the cool night air on a plastic mat sitting on old metal church chairs facing each other with him facing the main road.

It was a dark night with the only light coming from the main road and a security light in the neighbor’s backyard.... Because there had been a big event at the church, every one was hanging out and going for a stroll up and down the main road. (I have come to understand that they where curious of us and wanted to teas Sione that is why it seemed that there where so many people on the road.) As we sat talking, I would hear the locals call out to Sione “polong-y” (meaning white person) in the middle of what they where saying. I understood that they where talking about me, so I asked Sione what they where saying. He would tell me what was being said generally, yet I don’t think he translated everything …

We sat and talked not noticing how late it had become so we exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes. On the drive home Melee and Polotu asked how it went. I told them that I was surprised with how tall he is and it would be great to see him again.... i had such a good time chatting and getting to know him!!!

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